A Conversation Between Heart and Mind

Introduction-Part 1

Heart: Hello…. Hello, can you hear me? Mind: …..? Heart: Hello, can you hear me? Mind: Can you speak a little louder? Heart: Please quiet yourself and try to listen….. I can’t speak any louder. Mind: Yes, I can hear you now. Who are you? Heart: I am heart and I am connected as you are, to the person.

Continue reading “A Conversation Between Heart and Mind”

Truth and Consequences

Have you ever experienced something you couldn’t explain, then try to figure it all out? As adults, I think that happens to us a lot. We have a hard time living with something that’s a mystery. Children, however, even though they often experience things they cannot explain, are often left with surprise and wonder. However, as adults we need to explain everything. We live in a culture that needs to know the whys and how of things. Continue reading “Truth and Consequences”