A Conversation Between Heart and Mind

Introduction-Part 1

Heart: Hello…. Hello, can you hear me? Mind: …..? Heart: Hello, can you hear me? Mind: Can you speak a little louder? Heart: Please quiet yourself and try to listen….. I can’t speak any louder. Mind: Yes, I can hear you now. Who are you? Heart: I am heart and I am connected as you are, to the person.

Continue reading “A Conversation Between Heart and Mind”

Foundations for the road less traveled

Why do we exist? What is the purpose of life? What is it about myself I don’t understand? Why do we come into this world as infants, depending on others for our existence far longer than most other living things? Why do we age, grow old and eventually die? Is there life after death? These are foundational questions that have to do with each of us. Continue reading “Foundations for the road less traveled”