A Conversation Between Heart and Mind

Introduction-Part 1

Heart: Hello…. Hello, can you hear me? Mind: …..? Heart: Hello, can you hear me? Mind: Can you speak a little louder? Heart: Please quiet yourself and try to listen….. I can’t speak any louder. Mind: Yes, I can hear you now. Who are you? Heart: I am heart and I am connected as you are, to the person.

Mind: I don’t understand. I have vaguely suspected there was something else, however, you are hardly perceptible. Heart: Yes, that is true. However, since you have quieted yourself and we are able to communicate, tell me about yourself, if you please. Mind: Of course, but first, you said that we are connected. What do you mean? Heart: We both occupy the same being, the same person who exists. However, even though the distance between us is quite near, the ability to communicate is often difficult. Mind: You say we both reside within the same person; however, I do not know you. I only have a vague notion about the possibility of some other presence in the person. Yet you asked me to tell you more about myself, I would enjoy doing so.

Mind: I have many gifts and faculties, powers, you might say. I am always providing the person, as you call him, with many things, he relies on me very much. For example, I am continually providing the person with knowledge about himself and the world around him. Heart: Please tell me more, how do you provide him with knowledge? Mind: Of course. I am well connected to the senses the person possesses, his eyes and ears, the sense of touch, smell and speech, and especially his memory. By all the person uses to communicate and interact with other persons and the world around him. I am connected to all of these senses, as they are called, and I take in what each of these senses provides me. Heart: That’s amazing. Please go on.

Mind: Yes, it is amazing, and I can do multiple operations at once. I have the ability to analyze, to synthesize, to compare and so forth. From all of these various inputs, so to speak, I am then able to form concepts, ideas and make sense of what is presented to me. I then present these to the person. Heart: Do you choose to do all this; it seems like a huge process? Mind: No, not really, I am quite good at it. However, there is something else that I am aware the person has mentioned a few times, he calls it his will, but I do not understand this. It seems this other aspect helps him make decisions and choices. I really don’t know much about that. Although he does use me often when he needs my input and the great knowledge base that I have. I am aware of what I provide him. This is just the way that I am. My operations occur quite fast, many times within a split second, if need be. I really enjoy doing this. But tell me about yourself. I do enjoy talking about what I am able to do, however, I would also like to know more about you.

Heart: Thank you. It may be hard for me to explain in a way you will understand, but I will try. I will begin by referring to something you already said and know. After all that you do, receiving so much data and input through the senses, analyzing, and comparing and so forth, you form a concept, and you present this to the person. Is that correct? Mind: Yes Heart: Well, I also receive what you have presented to the person, although for somewhat different purpose. Mind: Really, you also are aware of what I present to the person? I did not know that. But you also said, “for a somewhat different purpose!”

Heart: Yes. As I receive what you have presented, I then look at it quite carefully. I consider what you have presented and bring it to the criteria and standards which I have been given. By using those criteria, I am able to discern if what has been presented is good and wholesome for the person. In other words, I discern if what has been given to the person is actually true and worthy of action. I make known to the person a judgment on what I have received and whether he should follow what has been presented.

Mind: Wait a minute! What do mean by “what is actually true?” Heart: Very well. One way to say this is that to say something is true when it conforms with reality, with what is real. Mind: Hum…….. not sure if I am following, go on, you have my interest. Heart: You said you have the power to analyze and compare, to examine how things you receive go together. You then present your conclusions to the person. I do a similar thing; however, I have been given certain criteria or standards to go by. You provide the person with knowledge of things in the physical world as you receive them from the senses. You also have the wonderful power to analyze what you receive, to compare and to contrast, to recall from memory, you have intelligence to form concepts and so forth, to make available to the person. Is this correct? Mind: Yes, there is much more that could be said, but for now we’ll say that is correct.

Heart: I also communicate with the person; however, I go by the standards that I have been given to me by which I judge what is good and helpful for the person or may not be good and helpful for his well-being. Therefore, when I receive what you provide, I compare that to what I already have been given and know, the standards and criteria that are embedded within me. I then present my judgement to the person; whether what he has received is good for him or not. It is then he who decides what to do. He is free to take my judgment or reject it. Mind: What you are saying is new to me, I do not understand, and it seems a little harsh to me. However, before we continue, could we take a break?

Mind: I need to have some time to rest and think. When we come back, could you tell me what are these standards you speak of? Where do they come from? Heart: Yes, of course. Have a good rest.

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