A Message to Our Dear Grandchildren

For years, when anyone would ask me “Papa, what do you want for Christmas?” I would always answer, “Peace in the family.” I have done this for years, since 1973. Why 1973? In that year I became aware of something that I never knew, and it changed my life.

About two years before that event in 1973, I found myself in a quandary, a kind of an inner struggle, a questioning about everything, about life itself, about my purpose in life, about the existence of God. I began to pray. My prayer was not the kind of prayer I had done before. This was different, it was short, from my heart not from my head. I prayed: “God, if you exist, help me. Help me to know you.” I prayed almost every night, a short heartfelt prayer asking God to help me, “Help me to know You, help me make some sense of my life”. In February 1973 God answered my prayer. I went on a men’s retreat sponsored by the local Catholic Church seeking an answer to my prayers. On Saturday afternoon of that retreat God revealed Himself to me simple yet profound way. I then knew then that God existed and that He loved me. He was inviting me into His life, He wanted me to know Him and to love Him. I would find out later as my relationship with Him grew, He wanted me to somehow share His gentle yet life-giving invitation, to share His life with others, especially those closest to me.

Since that time in early 1970s, Nana and I have lived to share that experience of God’s love, that awakening, with everyone who would listen, but especially with our dear family. Nana has always had this sense of God’s presence in her life since she was a young girl. When I was awakened to God’s presence as an adult, and when I opened myself to Him, she was overjoyed. Together we have been living this reality, this awareness God’s love alive in our hearts for almost 50 years.

If you ever find yourself feeling alone, wondering about where your life is going, do not give up hope or turn to things that might rob you of your goodness. Seek Him in the silence of your heart and be patient. If God knocks on the door of your heart, let Him in, do not be afraid. Ask Him to help you discover who He really is. He does not refuse anyone who sincerely seeks Him. Nana and I have been praying for each of you weekly, and at times daily since you were born. We continue to pray at all times, when you have troubles, we plead to God to help you, when you rejoice, we rejoice with you and thank God for you. We pray for each of you by name.

Our love and prayers, now and always,

Nana and Papa

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