Foundations for the road less traveled

Why do we exist? What is the purpose of life? What is it about myself I don’t understand? Why do we come into this world as infants, depending on others for our existence far longer than most other living things? Why do we age, grow old and eventually die? Is there life after death? These are foundational questions that have to do with each of us. These are questions that some people spend their lives seeking answers, while others give them little or no thought, dismissing them as having no real importance in our daily lives. I have spent the better part of my 70 + years seeking answers and insights into these and other concerns and I have been encouraged to write about it, not because I have necessarily found the answers, but rather I have been drawn to that road where insight and awareness into these concerns and questions may be found.

I believe these questions, and the attempt to dig deep to seek answers, is a very personal endeavor. Another cannot give someone else their answers, or the choices they have made, so that one can simply take them on as their own. This doesn’t mean this is a lone process, or going it alone. Rather it is something done in and through one’s own life and their present situation and circumstances.

In the course of my writing, I will be bringing up situations, thoughts, and events that, although some were significant, most others occurred during my everyday life. Some seemed minor at first, and then only later, became meaningful as time went on. Some awareness or insight came by what I saw in others, their qualities and actions. Some from reading and studies I have been able to take in my adult life.

The final point I want to make is to emphasis the importance of recognizing a desire to seek more in life. Once you recognize this, the road, so to speak, opens to an inner calling, something inside – a simple inner awareness. It may come in realizing something is lacking, or at least something inside has not been fulfilled. It may be an awareness that something inside is drawing you into this search. Once that is apparent, then growing in the ability to listen, to listen quietly and patiently to this inner call and allowing it to grow inside.

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